I finally got the unlockable classes and races worked out to where I like them. When designing the table the way it is I really found inspiration in the games where you play through as one way, unlock a new way, and play through with the newly unlocked goodie. A perfect example of this would be Castle Crashers or any of the older arcade style games.
Now for how to unlock a new race, class, or school/domain/pact. Leveling up should be a big deal. So, too, should access to new power. The word that best describes this is "dynamic" as that's what I want Legend4ry to feel like. I envision a level up system not based on experience at all and the only real use for experience is a total score (much like a play-through of Super Mario Bros for example, purely for bragging rights) and for encounter design (to an extent.) How I imagine this is as a progression based on achievement for a more natural or organic leveling up. "Oh you just defeated Mini-Boss Y after struggling through a decent amount of the dungeon? Level up!"
So, leveling up, in itself, will entail the usual "gain set amount of hit points, select one from these powers, etc." but also a single roll from the party on the unlockables table. If the party rolls something that they have already unlocked, they are allowed to reroll until they get something that is new to them as a group. Now, unlocking in itself is a cool idea, but if the players are stuck within the traditional archtypes and want to try a new school of magic or pact or, or, or they have to wait until they die. Bad idea, right? To me that just encourages suicidal players. I will make mention later on in my next post about how death applies to the game and how suicidal tendencies will be abated. That said, each new character starts play with one Rebuild Token. This token can be used to, upon level up and unlocking of a new thing, rebuild one aspect of their character. An example of this would be changing to a new school or pact, changing race, or changing class. Those are the only three things that can be changed and only one thing can be changed throughout the course of that adventurer's career.
As a reminder, the players start with the racial options of Human, Eladrin, Elf, Halfling, and Dwarf and class options of Knight, Thief, Mage (Illusion, Evocation, Enchantment) and the Warpriest (Sun, Storm.)
The unlockables table below will have the class name and the respective schools/domains/vices/pacts in parenthesis that are unlocked with it. Races are self explanatory. Upon level up, have your party roll a d20 and enjoy!
- Dragonborn
- Drow
- Half-Elf
- Half-Orc
- Tiefling
- Revenant
- Shade
- Vryloka
- Sentinel
- Cavalier (Sacrifice, Valor)
- Hunter
- Scout
- Hexblade (Fey, Infernal)
- Executioner
- Blackguard (Domination, Fury)
- Vampire (Beguiler, Stalker)
- Binder (Gloom, Star)
- Warpriest (Death)
- Hexblade (Gloom)
- Mage (Necromancy, Nethermancy)
Let me know what y'all think!
Next post we will talk about two ends of the character spectrum: creation and death!
Until next time,
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