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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What is Legend4ry?

I've been thinking a lot lately about Dungeons and Dragons. This in itself isn't anything new as it's kinda "my thing." Some people have cars, others have stamp collects, I have this. This is my thing. I listen to podcasts I read blogs (really too many to list) and participate in forums all because I enjoy D&D. While I didn't get started until late in life, D&D has quickly established itself as one of my favorite hobbies and something I give a lot of thought to on a day to day basis. How can I make it more fun? How can I make it tougher? What about this idea or that one? Really, I could go on and on all day.

Legend4ry is an extension of this. It has grown out of years of playing various campaigns, settings, systems, etc and it has led me to one thing that I have loved universally: death. Now, not death as in tons of character or monster death, but that's cool too. I like my dungeons deadly, my dragons tricky. For lack of a better word, I like it "old school." This is one of the many reasons that I ended up finding my way into the fold of the Fourthcore fandom. This is also a reason that I played a lot of Goodman Game's Dungeon Crawl Classics line. This is why I've read older modules whose rules I don't really understand having never played those systems, but yet I still find inspiration and wicked ideas in them. Ravenloft, Dark Sun, the World's Largest (and largely unforgiving) Dungeon, Tomb of Horrors. This is the life-blood that drives my Dungeons and Dragons fanaticism. 

So, by now it should be obvious that I want my D&D deadly, fast-paced, decisive, smart, and "old school." So what makes this any different from the other "old school" D&D'ers and sites out there that have geared this lust towards 4th edition? How is this any different than Fourthcore? Well, I'll tell you. Those guys focus on the mechanics and fluff for adventures, delves, monsters, and traps. I want Legend4ry to focus the basic rules mechanics side of things. How can I make Healing Surges and the varying NADs (non-AC defenses) more deadly, hardcore, and "old school?" Those are just some examples, and that's what this site is designed to explore, the Legend4ary aspects that 4e has potential for. This isn't supposed to be a knock-off of Fourthcore or any of its hardcore brethren, but instead a supplement akin to how they supplement vanilla D&D. 

Thanks for reading, and hopefully soon we can delve into the deadliness of Legend4ry.

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